Rutilated Quartz Nuggets

TTD17.00 TTD39.00

Etheric / Crown / Third Eye / Throat / Heart / Solar Plexus / Sacral / Root

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Rutilated Quartz is an effective integrator of energy at any level & an effective vibrational healer. It is said to have a perfect balance of cosmic light & to be an illuminator for the soul, promoting spiritual growth. It cleanses & energizes the aura and aids in astral travel, scrying, channeling & facilitates contact with the highest spiritual guidance. It draws off negative energy & breaks down the barriers to spiritual progress, letting go of the past. Rutilated Quartz is helpful for therapists & counselors as it draws off negative energy from the client & supports the energy field for emotional release. It can be used in past life healing to draw off dis-ease from the past & provides insight into past events that affect the present. It reaches the root of problems & facilitates transitions & change of direction. Rutilated Quartz soothes dark moods, acts as an antidepressant & promotes forgiveness on all levels. (From “The Crystal Bible” by Judy Hall)

Rutilated Quartz increases energy, self-awareness, intuition & connection to Spirit. It accelerates healing & channels divine masculine, feminine & angelic frequencies. (From “Change Your Energy” by Krista N. Mitchell)

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