Product Information




Regular Crystal Care is required for 99% of crystals. A few crystals such as Clear Quartz, Citrine, Selenite, Kyanite & Carnelian don’t need this type of care to remain in good condition, but if you choose to do so anyway, no harm will come to them.

  1. Clean your Crystal physically to remove dust or dirt by washing it under fresh running water, or by using a wet tissue to wipe it clean.
  2. Cleanse your Crystal of unwanted vibrations & energies that come from other people handling it or which the Crystal absorbs in working for you, by either:
  • Immersing it in a saltwater bath (30% sea salt to 70% spring/distilled water is best) for up to 4 hours; OR
  • Smudging with Sage, Palo Santo, or Incense by fanning the smoke over the crystals with a feather or piece of paper (not your hand as the negative energies pulled out from the crystals by the rising smoke would get onto you) for no more than 5 minutes.

Some Crystals such as Angelite, Aragonite, Celestite, Pyrite & Raw Black Tourmaline are sensitive to salt and/or water & their surfaces can be damaged very quickly in a salt bath. As a rule, once a crystal feels porous as opposed to smooth, avoid exposing it to water OR salt. For these types of crystals, use the smudging method.

  1. Charge your Crystal after Cleansing by leaving it in a safe place under either:
  • Sunlight, so it can absorb the Sun’s rays for about 4 hours; OR
  • Moonlight so it can absorb the Moon’s rays overnight. Full Moon is best for charging crystals, so try to use this method within the window of 3 days before to 3 days after a Full Moon. If this isn’t possible, once there’s a moon visible, you can charge your crystals until the next Full Moon comes around.

Heavily pigmented crystals such as Amethyst, Opal, Rose Quartz & Turquoise will fade in the sun, so consider using Moonlight in these cases.

N.B.: Some Crystals do not need to undergo Crystal Care, namely Clear Quartz, Citrine, Carnelian, Kyanite & Selenite, but if you choose to include them in the process, no harm will be done.

N.B.: Placing a crystal into earth/soil alongside living plants for a few hours will cleanse & charge the crystal completely.



BLUE SAGE a.k.a. “Grandmother Sage”

Purifies & provides spiritual strength; welcomes money, wealth, abundance, health, prosperity, healing & coolness to your life; useful in Exorcism rituals to remove malevolent spirits.


Banishes fear & enhances psychic powers; creates a shield around your spirit to guard against negative energies; protects & grounds. Use to cleanse a home or apartment with unknown energies when first moving in, when inviting unwanted spirits to leave & for protecting a person, place or object from unwanted influences.


Provides protection, clears negativity from a space & increases productivity. Increases the potency of other Herbs or Incense with which it is burnt.


Neutralizes the energy in a space, heightens intuition & encourages emotional balance. Strengthens concentration & dispels the feeling of exhaustion. Awakens the spirit.


Clears the home of energies associated with illness, aiding in physical healing of the body; purifies the spirit; inspires creativity; brings a deeper connection to divine source; increases relaxation & brings joy & harmony to the home. Transmutes darkness into light, abolishing dark magic. Use to bless, heal & consecrate a space.


Heightens the vibration of a space, dispelling negativity. Attracts prosperity e.g. burn in businesses to attract customers. Provides protection, especially of sentimental ties/relationships. Induces sleep, recharges energy when facing adversity, sustains physical vigor & overcomes unconscious fears.


Roses have the highest vibrational frequency of all plants, so they can be used for cleansing the energy of a space. Use for manifestation rituals e.g. prosperity, good luck, creativity & love.


Elevates consciousness; attracts spirits of Nature & good luck. Use after smudging with Sage to bring in positive energy after negativity has been released.


Clears negative energies from objects, space or people; has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory & antimicrobial properties; can change the mood & energy of a room. Use for meditation, cleansing, purification & to raise vibrations.      


​Gives one encouragement & courage to face what needs to be done; creates a shield around you to deflect negative energies; cleanses & heals the heart following trauma. Burn to honour ancestors, increase psychic powers & bring healing & protection. Use before meditation or starting a spiritual journey for spiritual cleansing. Used as a traditional remedy against coughing & many other ailments.


Removes negative energies associated with sickness; inspires confidence & brings clarity; stimulates & invigorates the mind & body; opens the heart, reducing grief & promoting “letting go.” Use to combat depression & sadness & clear negativity from the home & aura.


Brings clarity; develops & deepens psychic abilities; promotes visions & lucid dreams; warms, strengthens & empowers a person, especially in emotionally demanding times such as the death of a loved one & the birth of a child. Use to lend strength in difficult times to help to “let go;” to improve intuition & awareness; & to remember dreams. Also useful for astral travel, shamanic journeying & for protection during such excursions.




Think about why you are smudging, your intention & what you want to achieve. Holding that intention, light the Sage, Palo Santo or other herb & after a few seconds, gently blow it out to allow the stick to smolder.



Before cleansing with smoke, crystals should be placed on a surface (not held in your hands) that will allow the smoke to flow around them freely e.g. a strainer, cooling rack or loosely woven basket. Move the smudge stick around & below the crystals so that the smoke envelops them, “washing” them of unwanted energies.



Swirl the smudge stick gently around the person, from head to toe to remove unwanted energies from their aura.



Before cleansing with smoke, spaces should be physically cleaned in some capacity & all windows & doors opened. Starting in the most cluttered or unused areas where energy is likely to have stagnated, walk through the space with the smudge stick, allowing the smoke to get into all the corners, nooks & crannies. You may recite a prayer or mantra or simply state what you are trying to achieve in smoking out the space, while moving around. End the smoking out in the area that is the most open or frequented. The smoke may take up to half an hour to clear out of a space entirely & until it does, windows & doors should remain open. If you have smoked out a space with Sage, there will be an energetic void left once you are finished. It is advisable to fill this void by then smudging with Palo Santo or Sweet Grass to invite blessings & positive energy into the space.


When you are finished, your smudge stick may still be smoldering. To safely put it out, rub the lit end in sand, dirt or on a concrete surface outside of the house or building. After a few minutes, once the smoldering has stopped & the smudge stick is cool to the touch, store it in an airtight plastic bag, safe from moisture, for future use.


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