Pyramids – Shambala Shopping & Retail Wed, 20 Nov 2024 17:26:32 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Pyramids – Shambala 32 32 194705079 Pyramids – Shungite (100mm) Wed, 20 Nov 2024 01:21:54 +0000 A profoundly earthy & anti-geopathogenic stone, Shungite contains virtually all the minerals of the Periodic Table & has phenomenal shielding power that arises from its unique formation. By placing Shungite on sources of electro-magnetic frequency (EMF) emissions such as computers or cellular phones, their detrimental effect on sensitive human energy systems is eliminated. Shungite needs to be cleansed frequently. Psychologically, it clears out mental or emotional pollutants so that fresh patterns imprint & encourages keeping wisdom from the past & applying it to the present to create a new future. At a physical level, Shungite transforms water into a biologically active, life-enhancing substance, whilst removing harmful micro-organisms & pollutants. Research has shown that Shungite absorbs that which is hazardous to health, whether physical such as bacteria or vibrational such as EMFs. It boosts physical well-being & restores emotional equilibrium, transmuting stress into a potent, energetic recharge. A Shungite pyramid placed by the bed counteracts insomnia & headaches and eliminates the physiological effects of stress. (From “The Crystal Bible 3” by Judy Hall)

A Pyramid channels energy from its apex (top point) to its base. This means that anything placed under a pyramid is charged, preserved & energized. These crystal pyramids can be used as charger (center) crystals in grids, with intentions underneath becoming especially empowered; or they may be placed on specific areas of the body that are experiencing pain to promote directed healing to those points.

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Pyramids – Shungite (45mm) Mon, 16 Jan 2023 23:06:55 +0000 A profoundly earthy & anti-geopathogenic stone, Shungite contains virtually all the minerals of the Periodic Table & has phenomenal shielding power that arises from its unique formation. By placing Shungite on sources of electro-magnetic frequency (EMF) emissions such as computers or cellular phones, their detrimental effect on sensitive human energy systems is eliminated. Shungite needs to be cleansed frequently. Psychologically, it clears out mental or emotional pollutants so that fresh patterns imprint & encourages keeping wisdom from the past & applying it to the present to create a new future. At a physical level, Shungite transforms water into a biologically active, life-enhancing substance, whilst removing harmful micro-organisms & pollutants. Research has shown that Shungite absorbs that which is hazardous to health, whether physical such as bacteria or vibrational such as EMFs. It boosts physical well-being & restores emotional equilibrium, transmuting stress into a potent, energetic recharge. A Shungite pyramid placed by the bed counteracts insomnia & headaches and eliminates the physiological effects of stress. (From “The Crystal Bible 3” by Judy Hall)

A Pyramid channels energy from its apex (top point) to its base. This means that anything placed under a pyramid is charged, preserved & energized. These crystal pyramids can be used as charger (center) crystals in grids, with intentions underneath becoming especially empowered; or they may be placed on specific areas of the body that are experiencing pain to promote directed healing to those points.

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Pyramids – Black Tourmaline (1″ x 1″ x 1.25″) Mon, 16 Jan 2023 23:06:55 +0000 Black Tourmaline cleanses, purifies & transforms dense energy into a lighter vibration. It grounds spiritual energy, clears & balances the chakras and provides protection around the body (especially in Shamanic rituals). This crystal aids in understanding oneself & others, promoting self-confidence & diminishing fear. Emotionally, it banishes the “victim mentality” and attracts inspiration, compassion, tolerance & prosperity. Black Tourmaline protects from electromagnetic smog, psychic attack, ill-wishing & negative energies of all kinds. It clears through negative thoughts, encouraging a positive, laid-back attitude & objectivity. It stimulates altruism & creativity. (From “The Crystal Bible” by Judy Hall)

Black Tourmaline has a purifying, protective energy that helps to neutralize imbalances. It shields the aura from lower frequencies & etheric pathogens; reduces pain & inflammation; and balances the emotions. (From “Change Your Energy” by Krista N. Mitchell)

A Pyramid channels energy from its apex (top point) to its base. This means that anything placed under a pyramid is charged, preserved & energized. These crystal pyramids can be used as charger (center) crystals in grids, with intentions underneath becoming especially empowered; or they may be placed on specific areas of the body that are experiencing pain to promote directed healing to those points.

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Pyramids – Labradorite (1″ x 1″ x 1″) Mon, 16 Jan 2023 23:06:54 +0000 Labradorite is highly mystical & protective and deflects unwanted energies from the aura. It is a bringer of light & helps the wearer access spiritual purpose. It grounds spiritual energy into the body & stimulates the intution & psychic gifts, including the art of “right timing”. Emotionally, it banishes fears & insecurities, strengthening faith in oneself & trust in the universe. It calms an overactive mind & energises the imagination. It is a useful companion through change & is a stone of transformation. (From “The Crystal Bible” by Judy Hall)

Labradorite’s energy encourages a transcendent or hypnotic state to plumb inner & cosmic mysteries. It helps with personal transformation & protects against psychic attack. Labradorite boosts your ability to access & recall arcane knowledge. (From “Change Your Energy” by Krista N. Mitchell)

A Pyramid channels energy from its apex (top point) to its base. This means that anything placed under a pyramid is charged, preserved & energized. These crystal pyramids can be used as charger (center) crystals in grids, with intentions underneath becoming especially empowered; or they may be placed on specific areas of the body that are experiencing pain to promote directed healing to those points.

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Pyramids – Black Obsidian (1″ x 1″ x 1″) Mon, 16 Jan 2023 23:06:54 +0000 A very powerful & creative stone, Black Obsidian grounds the soul & spiritual forces into the physical plane. It forces facing one’s true self, brings up imbalances & shadow qualities for release & magnifies all negative energies so that they can be fully experienced & then released. This healing affects past lives. Very protective, it repels negativity & disperses unloving thoughts. Black Obsidian is powerful for meditation & enables the gift of prophecy, but only when used by those who can consciously process it & use it for the greater good. Clear Quartz can be used with it for grounding & articulating what is revealed. (From “The Crystal Bible” by Judy Hall)

Black Obsidian brings repressed or denied parts of oneself to the surface of one’s awareness so they can be healed, reintegrated or released. It shields you from witchcraft, psychic attack & harmful entities. It is excellent for work on the shadow self. (From “Change Your Energy” by Krista N. Mitchell)

A Pyramid channels energy from its apex (top point) to its base. This means that anything placed under a pyramid is charged, preserved & energized. These crystal pyramids can be used as charger (center) crystals in grids, with intentions underneath becoming especially empowered; or they may be placed on specific areas of the body that are experiencing pain to promote directed healing to those points.

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Pyramids – Clear Quartz (1″ x 1″ x 1″) Mon, 16 Jan 2023 23:06:54 +0000 The most powerful healing & energy amplifying crystal on the planet, Clear Quartz absorbs, stores, releases & regulates energy and is excellent for unblocking energy. It works at a vibrational level attuned to the specific energy of the person needing healing or undertaking spiritual work. It is programmable – that is, you can program it for whatever energy you feel you need the most. Clear Quartz is a deep soul cleanser, connecting the physical dimension with the mind. It raises energy to the highest possible level & works on all levels of being. It is a spiritual library. Clear Quartz enhances psychic abilities & attunes you to your spiritual purpose. Mentally, it aids with concentration & unlocks memory. (From “The Crystal Bible” by Judy Hall)

Clear Quartz magnifies, amplifies, directs, intensifies & channels energy. It can be used for any purpose, provided it is applied with clearly defined intentions. When combined or placed with other crystals, it will amplify & purify their energy and will recharge depleted crystals. (From “Change Your Energy” by Krista N. Mitchell)

A Pyramid channels energy from its apex (top point) to its base. This means that anything placed under a pyramid is charged, preserved & energized. These crystal pyramids can be used as charger (center) crystals in grids, with intentions underneath becoming especially empowered; or they may be placed on specific areas of the body that are experiencing pain to promote directed healing to those points.

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Pyramids – Amethyst (1″ x 1″ x 1″) Mon, 16 Jan 2023 23:06:53 +0000 Powerful & protective, Amethyst carries a high spiritual vibration & guards against psychic attack. It enhances spiritual awareness & has strong healing and cleansing powers. Amethyst is a natural tranquilizer & has a sobering effect on overindulgence. It is calming or stimulating as needed (promoting more focus, less scatter), facilitates the assimilation of new ideas & supports decision making. It enhances memory & improves motivation. Emotionally, it dispels rage, fear & anxiety and alleviates sadness & grief. Promotes love for the divine – encourages selflessness & spiritual wisdom. Use Amethyst to deepen your meditation & scrying practices. (From “The Crystal Bible” by Judy Hall)

Amethyst raises your vibration, shifts negative thought patterns & habits, cools anger, calms anxiety, increases intuition & shields against lower or harmful energy. It helps with sleep disorders & nightmares. (From “Change Your Energy” by Krista N. Mitchell)

A Pyramid channels energy from its apex (top point) to its base. This means that anything placed under a pyramid is charged, preserved & energized. These crystal pyramids can be used as charger (center) crystals in grids, with intentions underneath becoming especially empowered; or they may be placed on specific areas of the body that are experiencing pain to promote directed healing to those points.

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Pyramids – Fluorite (1″ x 1″ x 1″) Mon, 16 Jan 2023 23:06:53 +0000 Fluorite provides strong psychic protection. It cleanses & stabilizes the aura, drawing off negative energy & stress, while cleansing & purifying your energy. It grounds & integrates spiritual energy & can quicken spiritual awakening. Fluorite dissolves fixed patterns of being & opens the door to the subconscious, revealing truth. (From “The Crystal Bible” by Judy Hall)

A higher-mind stone, Fluorite activates, enhances & increases all cognitive functions, including learning & memory. It promotes healing for ADHD, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder & learning disorders. Fluorite helps to conceal & protect the aura from psychic attack & harmful entities. (From “Change Your Energy” by Krista N. Mitchell)

A Pyramid channels energy from its apex (top point) to its base. This means that anything placed under a pyramid is charged, preserved & energized. These crystal pyramids can be used as charger (center) crystals in grids, with intentions underneath becoming especially empowered; or they may be placed on specific areas of the body that are experiencing pain to promote directed healing to those points.

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Pyramids – Iron Pyrite (1″ x 1″ x 1″) Mon, 16 Jan 2023 23:06:53 +0000 An excellent energy shield, Pyrite blocks out negative energy & pollutants at all levels. It is a very positive stone that overcomes inertia & feelings of inadequacy. Wherever Pyrite is kept, the area around it becomes energized. Iron Pyrite relieves anxiety & frustration and boosts self-worth & confidence. Mental activity is accelerated & memory is improved under the influence of Pyrite. Emotionally, it is helpful for deep despair & melancholy. It increases energy, overcomes fatigue & blocks energy leaks from the body & aura. (From “The Crystal Bible” by Judy Hall)

Pyrite has a masculine, extroverted, yang, aggressive energy that will help you to thrive, push through obstacles & succeed. It boosts ambition, energy & will; fires up the metabolism & aids in digestion.Pyrite attracts money, wealth & prosperity and is excellent for manifestation. It is also grounding & is good for virility. (From “Change Your Energy” by Krista N. Mitchell)

A Pyramid channels energy from its apex (top point) to its base. This means that anything placed under a pyramid is charged, preserved & energized. These crystal pyramids can be used as charger (center) crystals in grids, with intentions underneath becoming especially empowered; or they may be placed on specific areas of the body that are experiencing pain to promote directed healing to those points.

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